Itinerary overview 

This 15 Days Best of Kenya and Tanzania Safari has best chance of seeing East Africa scenery and wildlife areas, we shall start with Northern Kenya all the way to Maasai Mara and cross the border in Tanzania to Serengeti, Ngorongoro crater and head back to Kenya at Amboseli National Park.



Day 1

Departure to Samburu Game Reserve

Today your safari officially begins. After an early breakfast, you will set out for Samburu National Reserve for an exciting adventure. Set on the banks of Ewaso Ng’iro River, Samburu National Reserve is located within the Great Rift Valley region of Kenya. This region formerly known as Northern Frontier District comprises of scattered acacia trees and scrubby bushes vegetation. For those looking for a real wild experience, Samburu Game Reserve offers this and much more. Other characteristics of this region are palm-fringed rivers, dust-red plains, and endless plain blue skies. The breathtaking view of a Table Mountain known as Ololokwe is a sight to behold. Arrive in time for lunch at Camp.

Accommodation and dinner- Intrepid Camp

Day 2

Explore Samburu Game Reserve

Today you enjoy a full day in Samburu Game Reserve. After breakfast, proceed to explore Samburu National Reserve and enjoy seeing animals like the Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, the beisa oryx and the grevy’s zebra. Later, enjoy sundowners at your designated lodge and afterwards dinner will be served.

Accommodation and Dinner: Intrepid Camp

Day 3

Departure to Ol pajeta conservancy

After breakfast, depart for Sweetwaters Tented Camp along the slopes of Mt. Kenya. The camp is tented and will give you the satisfaction of camping in the wild. All 39 tents at the camp are ensuite, have 24-hour hot showers and 24-hour electricity. They are luxuriously put up to ensure that you enjoy your stay and get the best of their services.

Accommodation and Dinner: Sweetwaters Tented Camp

Day 4

Departure to Lake Nakuru National Park

On this day you leave Mt. Kenya region after breakfast. You will head to Lake Nakuru National Park which lies on the floor of the Great Rift Valley. Lake Nakuru is widely renowned for the pink flamingos and is often referred ‘the greatest bird spectacle on earth’. It is surrounded by millions of pink flamingos that make the Lake quite a sight to behold. It’s a great haven for photography lovers. Lake Nakuru National Park is a sanctuary for rhinos and hosts both black and white rhinos. Other animals at the park are warthog, gazelles, zebras, buffaloes and if lucky you will spot leopards too.

Arrive in time for lunch at Lake Nakuru sopa Lodge and thereafter take an exciting game drive. Make your back to your designated lodge for dinner and accommodation. You can enjoy swimming at the lodge as you watch the settings sun while sipping cocktails

Accommodation and Dinner: Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge

Day 5

Serengeti – Departure to Masai Mara Game Reserve

Today you depart to Kenya’s most famous tourist destination; Masai Mara Game Reserve. Breakfast will be served early in the morning after which you will start your adventurous journey to Masai Mara. Make your way into the Reserve during lunch hour and head to your designated lodge/camp. Relax at the camp as you enjoy the beautiful horizons of the setting sun.

Dinner and Accommodation: Zebra plains Camp

Day 6

Explore Masai Mara game reserve.

On this day you enjoy a full day game drive in the Mara after breakfast. You will get packed picnic lunch to eat in the wild.

Masai Mara Game Reserve is renowned for being host to the Great Wildebeest migration. Millions of wildebeests cross over the Mara River every year from The Serengeti in search of grazing pastures. As they make their way across the Mara River, some of them are eaten by the hungry crocodiles awaiting them on the river banks. The Great Migration which is listed as one of the wonders of the world is an experience that you will live to remember. In addition to this, Masai Mara is home to other animals like waterbucks, baboons, gazelles, monkeys, impalas, Masai giraffes among others and over 500 bird species. Enjoy activities such as hot air balloon rides, game drives, game walks, Masai cultural visits and bonfires among other exciting activities.

Retire to your designated camp in the evening for dinner and an overnight.

Accommodation and Dinner: Zebra Plains Camp

Day 7

Departure to Lake Victoria

Depart to Lake Victoria after breakfast. Lake Victoria is the largest fresh water lake in Africa and boarders three countries, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It is renowned for being a fish haven. Today you drive to the Kenya-Tanzania boarder and drive to Isabella at the shores of Lake Victoria. You can now enjoy your picnic lunch as you watch the waves in the lake.

This is where you spend your afternoon before heading to your resort.

Dinner and Accommodation. Serenity Safari Lodge.

Day 8

Departure to Serengeti National Park

This is your second day in Tanzania. Depart for Serengeti National Park after breakfast and make your way to Serengeti Serena Lodge. Lunch will be served and thereafter take an afternoon game drive in the Serengeti wild.

Dinner and Accommodation: Serengeti Katikati Camp

Day 9

Explore Serengeti National Park

Today you enjoy a full day in Serengeti National Park after breakfast.

Serengeti National Park is the most famous destination in Tanzania. It is famous for being home to millions of wildebeests. It is here that the Great Migration starts. Millions of wildebeests, zebras and gazelles make their way across the Mara River into Masai Mara to look for water and grassland. Later, they leave Masai Mara and cross the Mara River back into the Serengeti. The park is also famous for tree-climbing lions, impala, zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, hippos and warthogs.

Dinner and Accommodation (Full board basis): Serengeti Katikati Camp

Day 10

Departure to Ngorongoro Crater

Breakfast will be served early in the morning and thereafter you will begin your journey to Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area. Enjoy the breath taking view of the landscape along the way.

Dinner and Accommodation (Full Board): Ngorongoro Tloma Farm Lodge

Day 11

Explore Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area

On this day you take a tour of Ngorongoro Crater, drive around the view and take in the beautiful aerial view of the crater. Make your way to the floor of the crater where you will see animals such as giraffes, zebras, gazelles and various bird species. You can opt to take a game drive or enjoy a guided walking safari. Return to your Lodge.

Accommodation and Dinner: Ngorongoro Farm Lodge

Dinner and Accommodation (Full board basis): Serengeti Katikati Camp

Day 12

Departure to Tarangire National Park

Wake up early to a delicious breakfast and thereafter begin your journey to the famous Tarangire National Park. Arrive at Sangaiwe Camp in time for lunch after which you will leave for an afternoon game drive around Tarangire National Park. Sangaiwe Camp is one of the friendliest camps in Tanzania. It is located about 12KM from Tarangire National Park and offers some of the most breathtaking views of the Maasai plains.

On arrival from your afternoon game drive, enjoy a sundowner and dinner at the camp.

Dinner and Accommodation: Burunge tented Camp.

Dinner and Accommodation (Full board basis): Serengeti Katikati Camp

Day 13

Explore Tarangire National Park

After breakfast you depart for a full day game drive in Tarangire National Park. This park is renowned for hosting migratory animals like zebras, wildebeests, buffalos and gazelles among others during the dry season. Zebras and wildebeest, which begin their trek in October, are the first to migrate. They trek towards Lake Natron located in the Northeast region. These animals are followed by oryxes, hartebeests, gazelles, elands and buffaloes, which are later, followed by the elephants. However, waterbucks, giraffes, waterbucks and warthogs do not migrate but are left behind in the park. You will have the pleasure of seeing all these animals plus many more. The animals begin to return in the park between June and July.

Accommodation and Dinner: Burunge tented Camp

Day 14

Departure to Amboseli National Park

Today you leave Tanzania and go back to Kenya. After breakfast you will drive to Namanga where we have the Kenya-Tanzania border for car exchange. Enjoy a picnic lunch along the way before heading to Amboseli National Park. Check in to your designated lodge/camp and thereafter go for an afternoon game drive around the park. Return to your designated lodge/camp for an overnight and dinner.

Accommodation and Dinner: Kibo Safari Camp

Day 15

Explore Amboseli National Park

Today you explore Amboseli National Park. Wake up early in the morning for an early game drive. This is the best hour to see the beautiful and majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro which is the highest mountain in Africa. The animals are also up at this hour looking for food and water before the sun gets too hot. Amboseli is renowned for being home to the African Elephant and the velvet monkeys. Other animals include lions, antelopes, jackals, hyenas, baboons, warthogs and leopards.

Accommodation and Dinner (Full Board): Kibo Safari Camp.

Day 16

Departure to Nairobi

Your safari ends on this day. After breakfast, our driver will take you to Nairobi where lunch will be served at The Carnivore Restaurant. Afterwards, you will be taken to the airport where you will board a flight back home.


15 Days Masai Mara Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari
15 Days Kenya and Tanzania Ngorongoro Crater-Safari
Safari to Tanzania and Kenya 15 Days

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